DIY Orienteering using MapRun

DIY Orienteering using MapRun

You can try out orienteering using the MapRun app. It’s very easy to use. Check out this pictorial guide, courtesy of Scottish Orienteering and then also follow these simple instructions.

  • Make sure you download MapRun and not the older MapRunF or MapRun6 app.
  • Select which course you would like to try from the county list below and print off a map. (Some of the courses are using OpenOrienteering Map, so you might like to print the clue sheet to guide you to the exact control location.)
  • Then on your phone open MapRun6, use the “Select Event” option and look in the UK>Northern Ireland folder. Alternatively you can wait until you are at the general location and search for “Events Near Me“. You should be able to see and select your course.
  • Choose a good time, bearing in mind that most areas are urban. For safety, wear hi-viz and try to avoid busy times when there is more road and pedestrian traffic. Watch out for traffic and respect other pedestrians keeping a social distance. If there are mandatory crossing points marked, use these. Under 16s who wish to use urban courses should be accompanied by an adult.
  • Note that for a Linear course all controls must be collected in order with no time limit, for a Score course as many controls as possible should be collected within the time limit and for a Scatter course a specified number of controls should be collected with no time limit.
  • After you have finished you should be able to see the results and tracks of others too!
  • Enjoy!
  • Share your adventures with us on the NIOA Facebook we would love to see the photos!
  • Finally, any questions do not hesitate to contact our development officer Juls Hanvey on


Download and print your map from the selection below

Follow the website of your local club or hub or facebook pages.